Labour Law
We provide a wide range of legal advisory services in terms of labour law, such as employment equity, disciplinary hearings and employment contracts for both individuals and corporates. We work closely with individuals and/or your HR and senior management or executive teams in finding the best possible solution for your organization or the individual.
We have an excellent track record and reputation in handling labour law disputes for both claimants and respondents. This ranges from unfair dismissals, discrimination, harassment in the work place, and breach of contract. We also assist you in managing the legalities around reputational damage that litigation could cause.
Di Siena Attorneys has extensive experience in labour relations and employment law, with extensive dealings with the CCMA, Bargaining Councils and the Labour Court.
Our Labour law services include the following:
Litigation in the CCMA, Labour Court, Labour Appeal Court and the High Court;
Review of CCMA arbitration awards;
Representing clients in dealings with the Departments of Labour;
Dispute resolution;
Due diligence review;
Disciplinary proceedings, investigations and enquiries;
Restraints of trade;
Drafting of contracts of employment;
Other Services
Commercial Litigation
Family Law
Contract Law
Tax Litigation
Criminal Law
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